Friday 19 October 2012

Blog 19! Potter, Fashion and Awards!

Hey there,

I hope you've all had a great week. I cant believe how fast these weeks are flying by. We are now nearly on the countdown to Christmas, actually, I'm not going to lie, I'm already counting down...

67 days to go!!

I've had a really busy week since my last blog which is nice considering I've had quite a few quiet ones recently.

If you had a look at my last blog, you will have seen that I went to 'The Making of Harry Potter' at Leavesden Studios last weekend. It's basically a Harry Potter fans dream - stepping through the doors to Hogwarts, riding your own broomstick and buying all your wizard supplies from Diagon Alley - amazing!!

It was also really interesting to hear all about the costumes, visual and special effects and all of the different departments that actually get involved in order to get the film to the big screen. It must have took forever to film!

The highlight definitely had to be riding a broomstrick through London and over Hogwarts - you'll have to look back at the pictures! The Great Hall was pretty amazing too. You know what, even if you're not really a massive Harry Potter fan, it's definitely worth a visit as its just really interesting to walk through a major film set. Oh, and I get discounted tickets through work too, so let me know if you're thinking of going. Bonus!

On Wednesday, I went along with some friends to the opening of Sarah Forsyth's new shop on the King's Road in Chelsea. I'm not really into fasion much, but a couple of my friends are, so I pretended to be Sophie's PA for the evening... free drinks, free food and even a free gift - why not hey?! It was actually good to schmooze with some of the 'Z' list celebrities too - Millie Mackintosh (Made in Chelsea and who was opening the shop) and even Christine Hamilton (Former MP's wife)!! If you're into fashion, you should check out my friends blog too - I think she may have even put some pictures up of the event, as clearly my PA duties did not include being a photographer.

I'm actually typing this, feeling a little hungover as we had a team night out at the ProMax Awards Nominations night which was held at The Hospital Club in Soho. ProMax is an organisation uniquely comprised of senior staff from every major UK broadcaster plus the cream of agency and indie creative companies - Their words, not mine! Our department had entered three creative spots into the 'Best Sponsorship' category and last night was when we found out if we had been shortlisted or not for the actual award - and we were!! Our 'LEGO Star Wars' sponsorship has made the shortlist. We just need to wait a couple of weeks now until the star studded event. Fingers crossed though as we did win GOLD last year. The best part of last night was the free alcohol. No wonder there are a lot of sore heads in the office today.

That's all I've been up to this week. I'm heading home this evening to Coventry for the weekend. It's one of my best friends, Stacey, birthday today, so we are going on tour to Nottingham for the night - plenty of drinks, dancing and good company. I'm beginning to sound like a right alcoholic with all of this drinking.

Have a good weekend, and even better week and whatever you get up to - have fun!


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